Student Centric Services is an initiative to streamline and enhance the university’s processes for providing students with access to certificates, mark sheets, and transcripts. The goal is to design an efficient, transparent, and student-friendly system that ensures students can easily request, receive, and track the status of these documents with minimal administrative effort.
Students can use this system for the following services:
Step 1 : Student Registration Step 2 : Login Step 3 : Select one of the services from the list of available services. Step 4 : Click on Add New Request Button Step 5 : Wait for 7-15 days while your request is verifying by the university authority. Step 6 : When verification will be completed you will get a notification on the registered mobile number and registered email id.
This system has been developed to submit the GST Fees and other Miscellaneous Fee for the courses and services that are under the administration of the Lucknow University. It is designed specifically for the students and staff of Lucknow University.